
I am holding it all in that it carves multiple tunnels and delves in each bleary vein pulling every fibre of my being as it holds me within its clutches, shrouding my skin in its shadows, turning me into what it is, to take its place. It seeps through every crack and crevice, with indefinite [...]


Betaken I am, through the world's hapless trails each time when you rise; would my defence not contest. You walk me through a place too far, a time too long to quest yet only to you besorts, this sea that ardently hales. Begird may the stars be; they stand no host at you nor does [...]

The castaway being

​The miserable life of an outcast, left to fend for himself by its own creator, as depicted in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. Irresponsible choice, the creator enclasped whence denied the creature he begot, owing to its hideous demeanor, thus swayed its habits and beliefs eke its choices and actions, all in unison [...]

The dandelion spirits 

Such spirits aren't indited by bare flesh but brought into being by dint of reveries just watch how languid they embesh hence allow goodly-nature's trajectories Their lam isn't requiem chanted hearken! but an accolade just begun away from any static sojourn planted to seek intrepid souls being done At times, hie and embrace clouds above [...]